
Daphnee Bouquet, a diversified career in Ciel & Terre

Daphnee Bouquet, a diversified career in Ciel & Terre

The very start the of career of Daphnee Bouquet : from educational background to her start at Ciel & Terre The professional journey of Daphnee Bouquet started with strong academic foundation in Engineering Chemistry, followed by a diversifed career at Ciel &...

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Being a R&D anchoring engineer with Lise

Being a R&D anchoring engineer with Lise

Discover the long career of Lise, R&D anchoring engineer at Ciel & Terre. From the very begining of the company history with designing solar rooftop projects, to starting the floating solar adventure, Lise's work journey within the company is very inspiring !...

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Salzwedel FPV plant in Germany is growing.

Salzwedel FPV plant in Germany is growing.

In 2022, the Solar WO Engineering decided to extend Salzwedel FPV plant to reach a total capacity of 2.5MWp, making it the second biggest FPV plant in Germany ever built in the country. In this article, we will present how this extension has been managed and we will...

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Ciel & Terre World Cleanup Day 2022

Ciel & Terre World Cleanup Day 2022

On the 17th of September 2022, Ciel & Terre participated for the third time in the Cleanup Day. For this third edition, we have internationalised our action and involved the group's subsidiaries. On this occasion, we share with you insights on the waste issue and...

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